For many cigar lovers, the right cigar destination shop can evoke the best feeling in the world. Finding a space where you could indulge in the finest cigar is a must you should do on any occasion. Unlike any other place, cigar shops provide the best place not just to buy your favorite cigar, but it’s a great place to do some thinking, catch up with acquaintances, or simply to relax. No wonder, there is a growing number of female cigar consumers today!
If you are on the hunt for a good cigar lounge Brevard County, Smoke Rings ‘72 is a place you should consider for the best day trip experience.
Members-only cigar lounge
If exclusivity is what you are seeking, then Smoke Rings ’72 is your perfect destination. Their members-only lounge will provide you with a place of safety and peace of mind. You can gain access to exclusive privileges only available for members. The cigar lounge features a quiet space to relax, a private entrance, a private bathroom, deep leather-cushioned furniture, and 3 TVs. With an exquisite cigar collection available to you, you’ll have the best day trip experience you have been craving for.
Full-service cappuccino and espresso bar
Coffee and cigars offer a unique pairing experience like no other. Their flavors are known to complement each other. For those who love coffee, you will appreciate the cappuccino and espresso bar in Smoke Rings ’72. Known for their specialty coffee shakes and superior coffee beans, every sip will surely make you satisfied.
Craft beers and wine bar
Cigars are also well paired with the powerful flavors of craft beers and wine (scotches and bourbons are preferred for pairing). If you want to dive into some great craft beer and wine options, they have it all for you! Smoke Rings 72 truly is the new standard in cigar entertainment.
5000 Square foot cigar and pipe emporium
Smoke Rings ’72 is not just any cigar destination shop. It’s also home to one of the biggest selections of premium cigars and pipes. You’ll find an extensive collection of cigar favorites such as Cohiba, Monte Cristo, Arturo Fuente, Diamond Crown, Padron, Tabacalera Perdomo, and so much more! Smoke Rings also carries a large selection of pipes and pipe accessories from popular pipe brands such as Jobey, Peterson, Savinelli, and SMS Meerschaum. If you are an avid cigar collector, Smoke Rings cigar collection will not disappoint.
Non-smoking gift items
Even if you are not on the lookout for cigars, Smoke Rings is still worth visiting if you are just doing a quick day trip in Brevard County. If you are a knife enthusiast, here you will find over 30 iconic Benchmade knives on display. Smoke Rings is also an authorized dealer of the worldwide leader in the fragrance lamp market, the Lampe Berger, which is now called Maison Berger. They carry Lampe Berger AromaTherapy oil lamps and Lampe Berger Aromatherapy candles. You can stop by Smoke Rings 72 for a personal demonstration. In addition, they also have a variety of Smoke eater candles and sprays to choose from.
They have been around for decades.
Smoke Rings ’72 dates back 49 years in Merritt Island, and for many years, they have been consistently providing the best cigar shopping experience to their clients. There is so much history you can experience when you visit Smoke Rings ’72.
Make Smoke Rings ’72 your next cigar destination shop!
Where you choose to take your cigar is essential to the truly refined experience. If you are looking for a full-service cigar lounge Brevard County, Smoke Rings ’72 is a cigar destination shop that will provide every cigar lover pure indulgence.