Camacho Factory Unleashed 2 Toro
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Dominican Republic and Honduras (Corojo)
This cigar has certainly taken the shop by storm! Camacho Factory Unleashed 2 comes in a 100 count box which is in itself unique.
This cigar is a mild cigar, yet it is also flavorful which attracts cigar smokers who enjoy a wider variety of cigars not just the medium to full body range. Let’s light up the Camacho factory unleashed! Upon first light I got some really creamy and nutty notes followed by some spice which reminded me of a jalapeno pepper on the finish. After a little while of smoking I started to get notes of graham cracker and baking spice with cream on the finish and a little bit of pepper on the retro hale. The flavor notes mellowed out a little but I still tasted sweet notes.
I started to get more nutty notes and leathery notes the more I smoked this cigar. As I got towards the end the nuttiness was still present until I was finished smoking along with creaminess and nutty notes.
If you haven’t tried this cigar yet I highly recommend that you do! Don’t be put off because it is mild, it is one of those mild cigars that is very flavorful with lots of transitions and well worth the try!
Check back every week for the Shirtless Mike Cigar of the Week